- Q: What's a typical Stack for a project?
- Q: What is the structure of the codebase in a typical project?
- Q: What kind of testing is used?
- Q: Are there automated tests?
- Q: Who writes automated acceptance tests?
Q: What's a typical Stack for a project?
- TypeScript, JavaScript, Node
- React
- redux
- Storybook
- Styled-components
- docker/k8s
Q: What is the structure of the codebase in a typical project?
The structure of the web project is:
/components - app components, such as login form or filters panel
/screens - app screen (also known as containers)
/ui - atomic UI components, such as buttons, form fields, or icons
/graphql - everything related to the GraphQL layer
/mocks - mocks of GraphQL requests that are used in tests and stories
/mutations - mutation documents
/queries - query documents
/hooks.ts - react hooks auto generated by the graphql-codegen
/types.ts - TypeScript types auto generated by the graphql-codegen
/hooks - our custom app-wide react hooks
/providers - apollo, auth, etc.
/routes - app routes (URL to container) definitions
/store - redux layer
/themes - styled components themes
/utils - app-wide utils
The structure of the server is:
/datasources - data access layer (including 3rd party APIs)
/types.ts - GraphQL types auto generated by the graphql-codegen
/graphql - everything related to the GraphQL layer
/queries - query resolvers
/mutations - mutation resolvers
/schema.graphql - the GraphQL schema
/server - everything related to setup and launch the server
/services - service that provide access to gRPC API
/utils - app-wide utils
/tests - unit tests
/**/mocks - mocks used by the tests
Q: What kind of testing is used?
Manual and automated.
Q: Are there automated tests?
A typical project over a while will grow to 300+ scenarios to automated acceptance tests, depending on the complexity of the product.
Q: Who writes automated acceptance tests?
QA Automation engineers.